Eating your own

When chatting to strangers about living in The Countryside with a little bit of land there are two phrases that cause slight steam to issue from ones ears. The first, by a mile, is “The Good Life” but a runner up is “Self-Sufficient”. If there is one thing to learn from John Seymour and his ilk it is that growing all the food you need is very very hard work – you are not talking vegetable beds but vegetable fields.


…there is something very satisfying in preparing and eating a meal having gone out and collected ingredients from the plants

and pork mince and sausage meat stashed in the freezer from our own animals

to cut

and stir

top with an egg from today

and relish the result

More bits of harvest from today:


4 thoughts on “Eating your own

  1. Noticed you have lot of toms . Freeze them once washed & dried over night on a tray and then put them in plastic bags or boxes in the freezer they stay useable for many months and being loose( ish ) can be put in all manner of spaces in the freezer. Come the time your ready to use defrost over night , shake them out the split skins and roast or use in a stew etc of fry them well . Don’t eat them raw .


  2. Thanks for that tip. It has been an excellent year for tomatoes here. Just need a bit more sun to ripen the remaining crop.


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