Hints and Promises

As the moon rises over Gribin Isaf


only a fool would talk about Spring in early March at this altitude but today was whatever you call it when the air is still, the sun glows on the surroundings, the bird noise escalates and you can actually sit down outside.

The pond continues to have some first aid


in the process a fat vole is disturbed from the undergrowth and seems to walk across the water as it finds some new concealment.


The snowdrops


are under threat from the crocuses


while the daffodils wait in the wings, their green spikes swelling daily and hinting at a slit of yellow.

Today it it’s Molly’s turn to take on newcomer June in a show of strength and a strutting display through the netting


This patch is packed with potential wren nest spots but having unpacked the wren box there is no point in not putting it in a tasty corner


[One of] the herb garden[s] is cleared – if anyone would like some bay leaves by post there are probably more here than we need this year
